How to turn an idea into a patent
I got it! Indeed!
I don’t mean “heureka” or “Ευρηκα”, meaning „I did find the solution“, because I already did that a few years ago. Now, in March 2020 finally, I got my patent granted by the German Patent and Trademark Office, officially, so to speak. See the Registry Information of the DPMA.
A patent in the field of vehicle technology, i.e. for a new type of secondary drive, combined with the wheel suspension and the drive wheel itself. Traction‑X contradicts the popular belief that at the beginning of the 21st century everything in the field of mechanical engineering has already been invented. Traction‑X is mechanics that can inspire, consisting of ground shafts for case-hardened running surfaces, polished bearing-balls, precise fits and exact castings. Here, too, digitization has long since found its way, because every wheel of a modern vehicle is equipped with an electronically controlled braking system that prevents the wheel from locking during deceleration.
There would hardly be enough space here for a complete description of the changeable saga, which is related to this invention of drive technology. The triggering moment of the technical idea was a vacation trip, in which I could compare the driving characteristics of a small enduro motorcycle with those of a small scooter in a direct relation.
On the one hand there were large wheels with good rolling convenience, excellent suspension comfort and stable road holding in combination with a tedious six-speed gearbox and a narrow seat. That was the motorcycle.
On the other hand, there was an extremely comfortable sitting position with the convenience of a centrifugal clutch and automatic transmission in connection with bone-hard suspension on small wheels that literally plunged into every pothole, and wobbly driving behaviour that required permanent corrections. That was the scooter.
How, I asked myself immediately after returning the latter of the two vehicles to two-wheeler rental, could you combine the positive properties of one two-wheeler with the good properties of the second two-wheeler? Taking “the best of two worlds” and creating something new is the challenge, you could say, also because the community of motorcyclists is quite different from the community of friends of scooters. Motorbike and scooter are two different interpretations of one theme.
These technical considerations, which preoccupied my engineer’s mind for a while, soon resulted in a few pencil sketches, followed by a 2D CAD technical drawing. This was followed by a survey of existing technology concepts and a search for existing similar patent applications or granted patents. When I actually didn’t find what I was looking for, I registered the invention with the German Patent and Trademark Office.
The experience with a previous application, which I had written with the help of a patent attorney, helped me a lot. This time I was the sole author of the patent application and since I formally met all requirements, the application was published. Initially, a research request was ordered with the DPMA, which resulted in a non-binding examination result in advance of any official investigation of theirs. After I had called for advice from a patent law attorney, I could technically assess the applications held against by the patent office. We were able to highlight the essential inventive points of my application. I kept my claim and submitted a examination request. After a few formal improvements, particularly an expansion of the state of the technology art, the patent was finally granted about three years after the request.
That was last month.

thanks for share about PATENT GRANTED IN MARCH 2020
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