Cooperation with TH Cologne and Ostfalia HAW
Since February 2020, there has been a cooperation with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Betzler from the Institute of Automotive Engineering at Cologne University of Applied Sciences, the laboratory manager for chassis and simulation technology. Since the beginning of 2021, there has also been collaboration with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robin Vanhaelst, the head of the Alternative Propulsion Working Group at the Institute of Automotive Engineering at Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences. The two renowned university professors are our highly respected mentors.
A group of interested students is participating in the pre-development of the novel powertrain and suspension concept for scooters by writing engineering research papers as examinations for their studies. The team is led by Dr.-Ing. David Koebel as an external partner of the Traction‑X company. Within the framework of ongoing project and bachelor theses, an additively manufactured demonstrator has already been developed and analyses of the characteristics and driving stability of the overall concept and the suspension have been carried out. The first version of Traction‑X was designed according to preliminary specifications and verified by means of finite element structural analysis. In the process, a large number of insights were gained, which are now being incorporated into two further Bachelor’s theses as well as a Master’s thesis on the development of the first prototype.
See also the blog post Ventures in times of Corona.

Win³ — Together we turn your end customers into eternal fans
As a renowned manufacturer of scooters and in cooperation with Traction‑X, you will develop the same-named combination of swing arm and hubless wheel. Take advantage of the opportunity to determine the future of ride comfort and security in an early B2B cooperation between industrial partners.
This partnership serves to coordinate and define the interfaces as well as the design and programmatic requirements in a timely manner. If you too are looking for a trusting cooperation that goes beyond the mere role of a supplier and promotes an open and efficient exchange of information, then Traction‑X is the right partner for you.
This partnership between supplier and intermediate customer or producer is for the benefit of all parties, and the customer in particular also profits from it. We therefore speak of a “win3″ or “win-cubed” situation.
Together, we correctly understand the wishes of the end customer and define them as product requirements in the specifications.
As a manufacturer of scooters, become part of the next new technical revolution in the field of drive technology. Work together with Traction‑X to create a completely new product that is outstanding in every respect and meets the highest quality standards. Your end customers will thank you for the safe riding comfort!

An invitation to enthusiasts
Optional is a funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) as part of the so-called EXIST research transfer program.
EXIST aims to support technology-oriented company founders. Via EXIST students, graduates and scientists are provided with financial resources and start-up-related know-how. The goal is to use scientific results for the development of products to market maturity, to prepare the start-up and to enter the market.
The basis of EXIST business start-ups from science is a partnership with a research institution as the initial applicant. There should be a team of academics or graduates and an experienced project manager from industry. The Master’s degree is the prerequisite for membership within this research team, with the exception of one technician or laboratory assistant, which is quite remarkable. Furthermore, it is required to request support by expert advice from a professional mentor or coach within a start-up network.
The programmatic of the EXIST research transfer program schedules a phase 1 (“pre-seed”), i.e. an implementation phase of 18 to 36 months. The patent DE10 2011 117 388 (reference) and especially the animated demonstrator of Traction‑X yield the basic proof of feasibility, i.e. the required “proof of principle”. In this phase the realization of the product idea through development work is pending, resulting into the production of an engineering model, i.e. the prototype of a scooter with Traction‑X. The exchange of information and requirements with an industrial partner and manufacturer is crucial. In addition, the business idea is developed up to a final business plan. A total of up to € 250,000 in funding can be applied for.
Phase 2 of the EXIST research transfer lasts 18 months, at the beginning of which the newly founded technology company (corporation) submits an application for an earmarked maximum of € 180,000. In this phase, the further development and testing of the engineering model and of the product idea takes place, up to the construction of a product prototype (“proof of concept”). External corporate financing and market entry are also to be prepared.
For follow-up financing at market entry, i.e. after the EXIST funding program is completed, the following options are considered
- Kickstarter crowdfunding
- A development loan from the Bremer Aufbaubank